She's all kinds of tough, with a large HP pool, solid armor, and effective torpedo protection. Named after Prussian Field Marshal Albrecht von Roon (like Ron with a really long “o”), this cruiser is here to stake her claim to naval-theatre supremacy. That's a lot of ways to do some real damage! German cruiser Roon In-game Ibuki takes her name from a famous mountain, and she boasts high speed, powerful HE shells with increased chances of setting enemy ships on fire, and hard-hitting long-range 4x4 torps with respectable speed. She was never completed, though-the war ended before it could happen. Originally a heavy cruiser, Ibuki was converted into a light aircraft carrier due to IJN heavy losses in 1942.

There are many reasons to helm Buffalo into battle! Japanese cruiser Ibuki Add to the mix 9 km-range, 30-second duration Radar with two charges, as well as a more than decent AA suite, and you have a ship that basically doesn’t have a weak link in her overall stats. Packing reinforced armor compared to her predecessors, twelve 8-inch (203 mm) main caliber guns in three turrets, and a very solid HP pool, she's about to be a problem out there.

This CA-B project heavy cruiser is a real sight to behold. Let's take a look-welcome the Tier VIII cruisers! American cruiser Buffalo It's time for the first installment of the Tier VIII blog posts! By now, you’ve probably had a taste of the new ships, but the multiple options provided by this type are still to be explored in full.